Guerrilla Marketing – What’s In It For Me??

Some of you may be familiar with the saying that the shoemaker’s kids don’t have any shoes. Well, I had a rather embarrassing moment of being a shoemaker this week!

I was talking to my friend and master Guerrilla Marketer. Mitch Meyerson, this week and he asked me to explain the new assessment tool I just launched at The Coach Academy. So, I went on and on about behavioral this, and tool that, and all sorts of other ridiculous jargon – in fact, I was feeling really smart and important.

… and then he totally outed me by asking, “so what”? Huh? And, I realized, with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, that I had fallen into the classic marketing trap of talking in terms of features without giving any thought to what benefit that would give to my client! Wow. I was talking about what was in it for ME, as opposed to what was in it for my target market.

Suitably humbled, I then set about re-describing my (extremely valuable and beneficial!) tool in terms that would be of relevance to coaches and consultant, my target market.

This was quite an eye opening experience and served to remind me yet again that you have to practice what you preach, and you are no less susceptible to falling into the occasional pit than anyone else.

Want to share your “outing” moment?

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